Twila Paris - Peace Be Still Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Peace Be Still
  • Album: For Every Heart
  • Artist: Twila Paris
  • Released On: 01 Jan 1988
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Twila Paris Peace Be Still

Peace Be Still Lyrics

There is an ocean surrounding me
Mostly the water is calm
Just enough breeze to keep me sailing
I feel sage and warm
Angry winds blow suddenly
How this world can threaten me
Then the Master speaks with sure authority

Peace be still, Peace be still
Peace be still to the wind and the waves
Peace be still, Peace be still
Peace be still and the ocean obeys

There is an ocean inside my heart
Mostly the water is calm
Just enough breeze to keep me sailing
I feel safe and warm
Angry winds blow suddenly
I become a churning sea
Then I hear a quiet voice--He says to me

Repeat Chorus

Angry winds blow suddenly
I become a churning sea
Then I hear a quiet voice--He says to me

Repeat Chorus

Peace Be Still Video

Peace Be Still Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Peace Be Still: Finding Peace in the Midst of the Storm


The song "Peace Be Still" by Twila Paris is a beautiful and powerful worship song that carries a message of hope and comfort. It is a song that resonates with many believers who have experienced storms in their lives and have sought peace in the midst of chaos.

Key Messages of the Song:

The song "Peace Be Still" carries a powerful message of finding peace in the midst of life's storms. Let's explore the main key messages of the song chronologically from the lines:

Verse 1:
In the first verse, the songwriter acknowledges the presence of an ocean surrounding them. The calmness and warmth of the water, along with a gentle breeze, create a sense of security. However, suddenly, angry winds blow, and the world threatens to disrupt this peace. It is in these moments of turmoil that the Master speaks with authority, calming the storm and bringing peace.

The chorus declares the power and authority of Jesus to bring peace, using the phrase "Peace be still." This phrase is taken from the biblical account in Mark 4:39 when Jesus calms the storm. The repetition of the chorus emphasizes the certainty and effectiveness of Jesus' ability to calm the storms in our lives.

Verse 2:
The second verse shifts the focus from the physical ocean to the metaphorical "ocean" inside our hearts. Just like the physical ocean, our hearts can experience calmness, but also sudden turmoil brought on by angry winds. However, the songwriter finds solace in hearing the quiet voice of the Master, assuring them of His presence and guidance through hardships.

The bridge of the song emphasizes the personal relationship between the believer and God. It speaks of running after God and experiencing His goodness and faithfulness. It also highlights the importance of surrendering to God's will and finding comfort in His authority and companionship.

Meaning and Inspiration:

The meaning of "Peace Be Still" lies in its message of finding peace and comfort in the midst of life's storms through a personal relationship with God. The songwriter draws inspiration from the biblical account of Jesus calming the storm in Mark 4:35-41. Just as Jesus spoke the words "Peace be still" and brought calmness to the raging storm, the song encourages listeners to trust in Jesus' power to bring peace to their own storms.

The inspiration for the song may also come from the songwriter's personal experiences or observations of storms in the lives of believers. It is common for individuals to face various storms such as financial struggles, health issues, relationship problems, or emotional turmoil. Through this song, Twila Paris reminds believers that they can find peace and comfort in God's presence and authority, just as the disciples did when Jesus calmed the storm.

Biblical Analysis:

To determine the biblical foundation of the song, let's critically analyze its lyrics and compare them to Scripture.

The song begins by acknowledging the presence of an ocean surrounding the songwriter. While the physical ocean is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, it symbolizes the storms and challenges of life. The Bible often uses the sea or water as a metaphor for chaos, turmoil, or trials. In Psalm 89:9, it says, "You rule over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, you still them." This verse affirms God's power and authority over the storms of life.

The phrase "Peace be still" used in the chorus is directly taken from the account in Mark 4:39 when Jesus calms the storm. Jesus' ability to calm the storm demonstrates His authority over nature and His power to bring peace in any situation. The repetition of the phrase in the chorus reflects the certainty and effectiveness of Jesus' power to calm the storms in our lives.

The second verse speaks of the "ocean" inside our hearts. While the Bible does not explicitly use this metaphor, it does address the storms and turmoil that can arise within us. In Psalm 42:7, the psalmist describes his soul being in turmoil, comparing it to "deep calling to deep." This imagery echoes the internal struggles and emotional storms we may face. The songwriter finds solace in hearing the quiet voice of the Master, reminiscent of God's promise in Isaiah 30:21, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'"

The bridge of the song emphasizes the personal relationship between the believer and God. It speaks of running after God and experiencing His goodness and faithfulness. This concept aligns with various biblical passages that encourage believers to seek God's presence, such as Psalm 27:8, "My heart says of you, 'Seek his face!' Your face, LORD, I will seek."

Overall, "Peace Be Still" carries a biblical foundation in its message of finding peace in the midst of life's storms through a personal relationship with God. It draws inspiration from the account of Jesus calming the storm and incorporates biblical truths about God's authority, provision, and guidance.


"Peace Be Still" by Twila Paris is a powerful worship song that offers hope and comfort to believers facing storms in their lives. Its main key messages revolve around finding peace in the midst of turmoil through a personal relationship with God. The song draws inspiration from the biblical account of Jesus calming the storm and incorporates biblical truths about God's power, authority, and faithfulness. As believers, we can find solace in knowing that Jesus holds the power to calm the storms in our lives and bring us peace.

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